The peer-review process in this series of working papers is open with one or two reviewers. Therefore, the identities of authors and referees are disclosed. In this way, the editorial process moves away from the traditional review model that is currently characterised by significant delays in acceptance and publication, veiled biases in review reports and a large scope for superfluous judgements associated with blind review.
Open review reports are published as appendices to each article with the identification of the reviewer. The report is produced in a free format. The opinion should contain the general opinion of the quality of the work and recommendations, criticisms or suggestions for possible improvements or weaknesses. If a bibliography is mentioned, it should be referenced appropriately. As a suggestion, it is also recommended to close the opinion by highlighting the paper’s main contributions.
The file can be sent to the editorial team in the format that best suits the reviewer: Word, OpenOffice, PDF or LaTeX. It should contain the following information: