Tufte Working Papers (ISSN 2735-6043) is a continuous publication based at Training Data Lab. This series of papers promotes debate in the social sciences, especially on issues related to political science and public policies. The series includes unpublished papers and revised versions of previous publications that propose innovative research techniques or offer novel empirical information. The papers are published in Spanish and English, although preference is given to publications in Spanish in order to support the divulgation of open access knowledge in Ibero-America.
This series is produced entirely in Tufte-LaTeX, inspired by Edward R. Tufte. In addition, it is licensed under Creative Commons and LPPL v1.3c, therefore, its content is open access and uses the CRediT taxonomy to identify co-authored contributions along with an open review process. For further information, see the guidelines for this series.
This series has only the editorial team as its executive body. The editorial team comprises the editor, Bastián González-Bustamante, who manages the series in its broadest sense, and Jaquelin Morillo, associate editor.
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The full text usage, which is the sum of views and downloads from Zenodo and OSF/SocArXiv, is 2,839 until August 2024.
Intellectual Heritage. This series of working papers seeks to take up the work of the Serie Política, Gestión y Políticas Públicas (ISSN 0719-739X), published bimonthly by the Centro de Estudios de Gestión y Política Pública in 2016. The main objective of this series was to promote an enriching debate on politics, public management and public policy in Spanish. The editorial team consisted of Bastián González-Bustamante, Diego Barría Traverso, Federico Rojas de Galarreta and Carlos Palacios. The editorial board was made up of renowned academics, including Adriano Codato, Gonzalo Delamaza, Mauricio Dussauge-Laguna, Alfredo Joignant, Florencia Luci and Álvaro Ramírez-Alujas.