Aplicación de ForceAtlas2, un algoritmo de diseño gráfico continuo, para el estudio de las élites

This working paper tests an alternative algorithm for the legislative periods analysed by González-Bustamante and Cisternas (2016) in Chile between 1990 and 2014. Specifically, ForceAtlas2 is used, which is a continuous graph layout algorithm developed by Jacomy et al. (2014) based on a force-directed design. The social composition, partisanship and educational background are analysed in order to identify the level of homogeneity in each legislature.

Bastián González-Bustamante
Bastián González-Bustamante
Post-doctoral Researcher

Post-doctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science and a lecturer in Governance and Development at the Institute of Public Administration at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University, Netherlands. Lecturer at the School of Public Administration at Universidad Diego Portales and Research Associate in Training Data Lab, Chile.

Carla Cisternas
Carla Cisternas
PhD Researcher

PhD Researcher in the Department of Latin American Studies at the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University, Netherlands. Research Associate in Training Data Lab, Chile.
