A holistic perspective: Canadian experience and public policies for Indigenous peoples

Picture credits: Unsplash

In a significant meeting between academics and Mapuche leaders, the “Conversatorio sobre Derecho Indígena, Canadá y Chile” was held in Osorno, Chile, on 25 September. This event, organised by the Universidad de Los Lagos, provided an invaluable platform to discuss crucial issues related to indigenous rights and public policies affecting indigenous peoples in both countries.

In this context, Training Data Lab adjunct researcher Diego Aguilar had the opportunity to present a comprehensive legal and public policy perspective on the Canadian experience. His presentation focused on exploring the models and strategies implemented by the Canadian government to address relations with its indigenous peoples.

Diego Aguilar’s presentation, from the perspective of law and public policy, highlighted the importance of a holistic approach to addressing challenges related to indigenous rights. He pointed out how Canada has gone through different stages in its relationship with indigenous peoples. Diego addressed how public policies have gone beyond recognition, seeking to create economic and social opportunities for indigenous peoples through federal-provincial-territorial cooperation.

On the other hand, Alen Colipan, Mapuche leader and president of the Mapuche association Chillkatujo at the Universidad de Los Lagos, shared her perspective on the legal pluralism and normative system of the Mapuche-Williche people in the province of Osorno. Her presentation provided an authentic and profound insight into the traditions and social structures of the Mapuche people, highlighting the importance of maintaining their cultural identity in a constantly modernising world.

In conclusion, the discussion on 25 September was an educational and profound experience. Diego Aguilar’s presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the Canadian experience on indigenous rights, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to improving relations between the state and indigenous peoples. Both presentations were valuable contributions to the dialogue and reflection on the central issues of indigenous rights and public policy.

The Training Data Lab is glad to have participated in this conversation. We hope that these events will continue to be a space where academia and communities can exchange ideas and work together towards the progress and well-being of all peoples.

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