Presidencialismo en América Latina. Algunas consideraciones para el debate


With an emphasis on the debate over the possibilities of improving this form of government, this section analyses, from theoretical and empirical perspectives, how the presidential system works in the region. It first discusses the concentration of power in the executive, and then analyses national experiences with a diversity of coalition functioning, presidential power and the executive-legislative relationship. It is argued that, contrary to what some of the political science of the last century claimed, presidentialism offers possibilities for the leader of the executive to negotiate, cooperate and carry out his or her plan of government. To this end, it is of vital importance that the branches of government are balanced.

Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal, XXII(79), 211-242
Alejandro Olivares
Alejandro Olivares
Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Government School and Public Administration at the Universidad Mayor, Chile. Adjuntct Researcher in Training Data Lab, Chile.
