Chile: el tercer pilar en pensiones


Introduction. 1. Pillars of the Chilean pension system. Voluntary savings instruments. Voluntary contributions. Agreed Deposits (DC in Spanish). Voluntary Pension Savings (APV in Spanish). Collective Voluntary Pension Savings (APVC in Spanish). Voluntary Savings Account (Account 2 or CAV in Spanish). 3. Proposals for improvements and pension reforms in the last 10 years. President Piñera’s pension reform. President Boric’s pension reform (November 2022). Comparative experience. a. United Kingdom. Lessons from the British System. General Commentary on Voluntary Savings. Voluntary Pension Savings Instruments in the United Kingdom on Personal Pensions. On Lifetime Individual Savings Accounts (Lifetime ISAs). b. Pension Plans and Funds in Spain (PyFP in Spanish). Toledo Pacts. Spanish legislation on Pension Pension Pension Plans. Nature of pension funds. Contributions and benefits. c. Voluntary savings schemes in South America. d. Pan-European pension schemes. Pan-European pension plans (EU). 5. Conclusion. Bibliography.

En L. E. Díaz (ed.), Seguridad Social para todos Solidaria e Inclusiva. Estudios en Homenaje a Carmelo Mesa-Lago. Barquisimeto: Universitas Fundación, Fundación Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Miguel Ángel Pelayo
Miguel Ángel Pelayo
Adjunct Researcher

Adjunct Researcher in Training Data Lab, Chile.
