Second annual Training Data Lab workshop: Distance knowledge and collaboration

Picture credits: Unsplash

November 18, 2022 17:00 — 18:30
Second annual Training Data Lab workshop

On 18 November, our Training Data Lab research group held its second annual online workshop, allowing our members to meet and share their research. Despite the distance, our meeting successfully allowed us to maintain the connection and dialogue between group members.

The day began with presenting two papers that provided interesting insights into Chilean politics and society. First, Francisco Villarroel, Jaquelin Morillo and Raúl Elgueta Rosas presented their research entitled “Cuando hablamos con el adversario. Una encuesta experimental sobre emociones y tolerancia política en Chile”. This study focused on analysing emotions and political tolerance in Chile, using an experimental survey to measure how individuals react to different political stimuli. The presentation provided interesting results on the relationship between emotions and political tolerance, which may help us understand the political dynamics in our country better.

Bastián González-Bustamante then presented his work entitled “Aprendizaje automático y eventos políticos: Aplicación de un enfoque semisupervisado para producir un conjunto de datos sobre gabinetes latinoamericanos”’. This research used machine learning techniques to analyse a database on Latin American cabinets, using a semi-supervised approach to produce a dataset on cabinet characteristics and outcomes. The presentation provided an overview of the potential of machine learning for political analysis.

Both presentations generated much interest and discussion among the attendees, who appreciated the opportunity to learn about the latest research and reflect on its implications. The debate also allowed us to share knowledge and experience among the group members, allowing us to grow and improve as a team.

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