Jaquelin Morillo

Jaquelin Morillo

PhD Researcher

Universidad del Desarrollo

I am a PhD student in Social Complexity Sciences at the Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. My interests in political science and human behaviour have led me to follow an academic path focused on quantitative and experimental methodologies.

My academic background is in international studies at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina. In addition, I hold an MA in International Strategy and Trade Policy at the Universidad de Chile.

My research interests focus on quantitative approaches applied to electoral behaviour, democracy, congressional members and dynamics of human behaviour in socio-political contexts and trade policy.

  • Electoral behaviour
  • Democracy
  • Congressional members
  • Trade policy
  • Doctorate in Social Complexity, 2022-Today

    Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile

  • MA in International Strategy and Trade Policy, 2015-2016

    Universidad de Chile

  • BA in International Studies, 2011-2014

    Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina
